Monday, October 29

don't use the word rape, bobby. it's not polite.

tuna fish and king of the hill and tuna fish and king of the hill and tuna fish.

working for greenpeace seems like the worst possible thing to do at this point! not that i was actually considering it or anything.

i had this moment this weekend where i felt like i was in eternal sunshine. there was a weird green light and my head was ringing and everything was blurry blurry blurred. and it was being deleted while it happened, or that's what it seemed like.

how do you ask someone (politely) to reenter your life?

i don't have my meal plan card, my phone is in another state, i have no clean clothes, and when i say no clean clothes i mean absolutely no clean clothes (unless i want to wear my slutty yellow shirt to class. right, that's what i'll do.) i haven't showered since sunday at 6 in the morning, i look a hot mess.

like yesterday, i wore a wrap around skirt and a large sweater and a loud argentinian scarf and a russian-ish hat and some nightmare before christmas 3-d glasses. i've found the more ridiculously i dress the more confident i am. who gives a fuck if my outfit was mistaken for a haloween costume?
it's like "yeah, i look fucking absurd. and i'm eating a chocolate bar. and i'm high and i'm walking in the middle of city on a fucking freezing night and the wind is blowing my skirt all over the place and my thigh is exposed and this isn't even my hat and these sunglasses are not meant to be worn seriously, especially at night, and i'm getting fat, i look like a bag lady, yeah, FUCK ALL YA'LL."

my humor is poop oriented, aka, "hey, i'll pay you five dollars if you just take a dump on that chick right now."
try to think of something funnier than a cleveland steamer. go ahead. try.

i've been entirely too nostalgic entirely too often.

Wednesday, October 24

rock on george, for ringo one time!

regardless of how untolerable things get we must always keep positive and negative lists, am i wrong?

lots of things, really.
(i want to keep it at that, because i am not sure the positive list would actually be longer than the negative this time around, which is the entire point of the endeavor, am i wrong?)

stepping outside and getting slapped in the face by the cold is the bees knees, one of my favorite fall/winter sensations by far. who needs coffee when you've got the wind off the lake?
milwaukee was sensational, i love my friends.
the weekends have been sensational in general.
field trips to find human flesh books that totally fail (but not really)
i think i'm going to get "all you need is love" tatooed on my foot as a christmas gift to myself.
i'm doing well in school kind of? grade wise.
meercat manner RULES.
the rainbow i saw the other day
all i've been listening to is justin timberlake and i think that must be good for my soul in some way or another.
yellow man of custard tripping from a dead dog's eye
i'm pretty much losing my mind (but i refuse to think of that as a negative thing)
mother superior jump the gun
i've really been digging the beatles lately
happiness is a warm yes it is gun
i've been taking better care of my body kind of

basically my entire beatles collection on shuffle (speaking of words that sound like shuffle, i should invest in some snuffleuffugus memorabilia)
ben folds
van morrison
this one song by the faint, but not really, it just keeps coming up on my ipod shuffle.
justin timberlake, OBVIOUSLY.
it's weird, about a week ago i was all about interesting and challenging sounds, and lately all i want is a man and his piano singing about love and other things.

i want california. eucalyptus air and the redwoods.

yeah i want that. that and some drugs.

all this breathing in, never breathing out

(but then, all is fair)

Wednesday, October 17

get up stand up

that's hard when you're really drunk

like me

also stoned

fuckijng A man.

Monday, October 15

fucking diamond commercials are adorable.

what do i even say? i'm in such a strange place right now.

Wednesday, October 10

eric's trip

i find it so strange that thurston moore is opening for bright eyes on this tour.
i guess that means he's down to earth, but i mean come on, i can't help but think it should be the other way around. maybe it just means connor oberst has come into his own. i don't know.

jesus christ.