Thursday, December 4

and when i finally kissed him the whole world began to ring

I'm taking five classes next semester. Logic, Intro to Earth Science, Anthro202, Comp102, and History of the Ancient World (because I like the professor, he's teaching me the conservative view of USA history since 1877 right now). Large load, I know. The bogus part is I have four of those classes on the same day, and one of them on Monday and Wednesday evenings. I just have to keep reminding myself what a good deal OCC is (money wise) and how working Mondays and Wednesdays and then traveling back to Skokie to learn about the earth and its sciences will be worth it come August. I'm constantly looking for apartments in Rogers Park and stuff. It's an exciting time. I'm getting my shit together. Really.

Over Thanksgiving weekend, I was at a party and a friend of mine sang a line from a Wolf Parade song and I finished it and I realized that this obsession with rock music is really, really nerdy, and that I am also a nerd. But that's okay, I guess. Better to be a music nerd than an anime nerd, that's what I was always told.

I am so bored with basically all the music I listen to. The only music that's really been interesting me lately is old Neutral Milk Hotel, AKA everything that is not "In The Aeroplane Over the Sea". Not that I don't still think that "Aeroplane" is one of the best things ever recorded in the history of humans (please don't think that!)- I just think "On Avery Island" and the other random collection of stuff I have is endearing and LoFi-ish. I love how some of the tracks sound kind of messy, like a lot of the instrumental parts are full of sonic noise. And there's nothing I love more than some good sonic noise (with the exception of that ten minute long Wilco song). I'm still kicking myself for not seeing Jeff Magnum when he came to Chicago with the Elephant 6 tour. See? NERD. I check Pitchfork like four times a day, I swear.

Things I am looking forward to:
snoking a blowl with Alec in like 30 minutes
Jeff Tweedy and the Breeders at second city on Tuesday?? Maybe I can meet Jeff Tweedy and Kim Deal in one night. Talk about two birds with one stone.
winter break!
mucca pazza
making the pumpkin spice bread that I "stole" from William Sonoma.

I'm so excited to collect some stories. Yes, this storytelling thing is only a possibility for the ensemble's season, but all talk about stories made me realize how many good ones I've heard and how badly they need to be documented.
So get ready.

I saw an advanced screening of "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" last night. Watch the fuck out for this movie, because it's going to be nominated for about a billion Oscars come spring. And I can honestly say it deserves to win all of them. This was one of the most moving and beautiful films I have ever seen in my entire life. I want everyone I know to see it. I had to leave the theater immediately when the credits began to role because I was crying so much. Wow wow wow. If you read this and you're going to see me this December you'd better believe we are going to see this movie.

This kid from my high school hung himself. He was in my spanish class junior year. He talked to me a lot and always had scars on his arms. Really eerie stuff.

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