Sunday, December 2

framed like a picture

my titles to these things never make any sense, please completely disregard them.

what's really weird/good about life is how you can find realizations about yourself in the most unlikely of situations. i'm not saying i'm not a complete wreck by any means. i totally am.
but this time whatever's happening inside me and my head and my heart isn't ruling over every aspect of my life. i'm keeping it together. like, actually behaving somewhat like an adult and taking things one day at a time and making sure to take care of myself. i don't cry a lot and i've built up a thicker skin.
i'll always be a neurotic female, it's in my veins and i wouldn't have it any other way. i love that i feel a lot and i love that as a result of that i get to have moments where everything feels good and i'm completely full of life and love and everything else that's good.
but somehow i've started to learn how to keep things in check and it's really positive for me.

as far as friendships go
i just prefer these certain three people to anyone else in the world right now. they're friends with the current me, and the current me can't (or doesn't want to) deal with anyone else.
point being i love it when these three are mean to me and i love it when they're nice to me and the beauty of it is that none of it means anything at all.
there couldn't be three more perfect people for me right now.

a concept: everything is far from perfect but i guess that means that everything kind of is how it's supposed to be for my life. which means everything kind of is perfect, even if that's not what i imagined perfect to be.

what i'm trying to get at is sometimes it's good to say to yourself "i'm fucked up, but at least i'm not THAT fucked up."
comparison is a useful tool.

purify the colors

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